Materials for waiting families

The adoption wait can be a very challenging time.  While being pregnant comes with a defined start and likely range of end dates, being in the pool comes with very little timing parameters.  Also unlikely pregnancy, there are no “things to do” - no doctors’ appointments, usually no baby showers, and no milestones to track.  This inactivity can sometimes lead to people who are “go getters” or typically deal with challenges head on and with “action items” to struggle.  The goal of this calendar is to suggest possible action items for waiting families.  

It is entirely possible to be in the adoption pool, not materially prepared for your baby, get a last minute placement, and still create a welcoming, safe and beautiful home for your new child.  None of this is essential!  It is only intended to create a list of things to help cope through the challenging time of being a waiting family, and fill that time with things that will help you transition to being a family that includes your newly-adopted child.  If one or all of these suggestions do not feel supportive during your waiting time -- do not do them -- the most important thing is that when your call finally does come, you arrive as mentally intact as possible.

For more ideas on what to do during the wait, check out our blog:

Creating an adoption wait journal

Creating a post-baby exercise plan

Making a screening email action plan

Deciding on if you will share at work: Alexis’ perspective Jessica’s perspective

Additional resources:

Adoption laws by state

Infant First Aid & CPR

Adoption glossary